One of the best things you can do is periodically hit pause, step out of the day-to-day grind, and just be thankful. There is no better way to cultivate such peace and gratitude in your life than to come to Sunday worship.
Worship at Mesa View happens on Sunday mornings through our singing, praying, sharing, and opening up to God. Worship also continues when we walk out the doors of the sanctuary to build relationships, serve others, and witness to our faith in Jesus. We hope that worship becomes a way of life for everyone at our church.
On Sunday mornings, there are a few worship services at Mesa View. Each is a little different. Come check them out and see which one is right for you.
8:30 AM Traditional Worship - At 8:30, we sing hymns, participate in a beautiful liturgy, and have the best and most joyful choir in town. This service is meant to feel different from everything else in your weekly routine. Our traditional service is timeless and connects worshipers to a deep and rich tradition. Friendship Cafe in room C, 9:30.
11:00 AM Modern Worship - At 11, we have and energetic praise band, a strong community feel and a casual atmosphere. Come at 10:40 for fellowship and light snacks. The modern worship service is still tied to the Christian tradition in important places, but with a closer connection to the contemporary world. We also have a Children's Church service at 11 AM where we all begin together in the worship center, but then children age three through fifth grade have their own time with crafts, singing, and a lesson.
11:00 AM Worship Webcast - Mesa View streams its 11 AM worship service. If you live in another city or just can't make it to church, be sure to catch the service on Facebook.
Holy Communion & Baptism - We observe and celebrate two sacraments - tangible and outward ways of experiencing the goodness of God's grace.
Holy Communion is shared on the first Sunday of every month. All persons are invited to feast at God's table.
Baptism is celebrated when anyone wishes to mark the work of God's grace in their lives for the first time. We can baptize people by any means they wish - sprinkling, pouring, or immersion - and we baptize people at any age, including as infants. The time is always right to die to one's self and rise again with Christ! While we do not re-baptize people if they have already been baptized, we can help people celebrate and re-affirm their baptism if they so wish.