Mesa View is a community-oriented church, and we partner with many organizations doing good work in our community and around the world. We want to promote these organizations and encourage you to check them out.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an international fellowship of alcoholics dedicated to sobriety and recovery. Several AA groups meet at Mesa View. For more information call the church office for meeting times.
Casa Fortaleza: Women's advocacy group that organizes the Spanish-speaking communities for the eradication of all forms of sexual violence through education and outreach, and to provide counseling, education and support in Central New Mexico. The mission of Casa Fortaleza is to organize the
Enlace Communitario: Enlace Communitario transforms the lives of people experiencing domestic violence by working to decrease gender inequity and intimate partner violence in the immigrant community in Central New Mexico.
Family Promise: Family Promise shelters families experiencing homelessness and equips them to achieve sustainable independence through a collaboration with faith communities from across Albuquerque.
High Desert Food Pantry: High Desert Food Pantry provides emergency food assistance to people in need in Rio Rancho and Northwest Albuquerque.
Sacramento Camp & Conference Center: Sacramento is a Christian Camp and Conference Center operated as an outreach ministry.
Saranam: Saranam is an innovative transitional living program in Albuquerque. Unilke shelters or group homes, Saranam uses a two-generation approach to solve the problems that create the cycle of homelessness - poverty, lack of support, and isolation.
Taylor Ranch Neighborhood Association: TRNA works to support quality of life in the Taylor Ranch area of Albuquerque.
The United Methodist Committee On Relief (UMCOR): As the humanitarian relief and development arm of the United Methodist Church, UMCOR assists United Methodists and churches to become glovally involved in directo ministry to persons in need.
The United Methodist Church: The United Methodist Church is a global connection of over 12 million Christians in the Wesleyan tradition.
If you would like more information on any of these organizations, contact us at (505) 898-3506.