Relationship Service Witness
Relationship     Service     Witness

Serving others as a way of life


"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can."


- John Wesley


Everyone is called to be of service in the world and service is a way of life at Mesa View. If you come to Mesa View, you will be challenged to be more loving and less selfish, more generous and less greedy, more other-focused and less self-involved. That's because we believe that serving others brings us closer to God and builds up our faith. 




Ruth's Closet: Located inside Mesa View Church and serving Women in Transition with gently used professional clothing, shoes and toiletries, in a nurturing, secure, dignified, loving and respectful environment. Clothes are hand-selected for those re-entering the workforce. Always looking for quality donations and volunteers. Ruth Harwell dedicated her life to service in the church. Call 505-440-4878.



Recent Outreach Highlights

Sleeping bags for Heading Home/Street Connect, Christmas in the Park, Ruth's Closet

Ways to connect at Mesa View:

Relationship Service and Witness

Family Promise: Mesa View proudly partners with Family Promise, an inter-faith organization equipping homeless families as they prepare for a brighter future. We prepare meals and other goods for the families. 


Food Collection & Food Pantry: Mesa View keeps emergency non-perishable food supplies on hand for those who are in need. Additionally, we collect food every month and support High Desert Food Pantry in Rio Rancho. 


Memory Cafe: In partnership with the Alzheimer's Association, Mesa View hosts an afternoon of fun, games, community, and support for persons with dementia as well as their spouses and caregivers. This is a time of fellowship for anyone affected by memory loss. Meets the 3rd Saturday of every month at 1:30 PM in Building 1, room C. 


Pride: Since 2019, Mesa View has sponsored a booth at the Albuquerque Pride Festival and participated in the PRIDE Parade. We welcome and affirm people regardless of their sexuality or gender identity and are proud to support the LGBTQ+ community. 


Saranam: A pioneering organization that helps families experiencing homelessness to be housed as they learn new skills and exit homelessness for good. Construction of Saranam's new facility is underway adjacent to Mesa View. We support Saranam as they change lives. 

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Mesa View United Methodist Church, 4701 Montano Rd, NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 (505) 898-3506 ©2022 Mesa View United Methodist Church, all rights reserved.